Light to Moderate Rainfall Likely in Other Parts of Country

Published 2023 Jul 05 Wednesday

Kathmandu: Today, the country is expected to undergo partial to general changes as the Monsoon wind continues to influence the region. The Department of Hydrology and Meteorology has issued a forecast indicating heavy rainfall, thunderstorms, and lightning in various parts of the country.

Specifically, Madhes, Lumbini, and Sudurpaschim provinces are at risk of experiencing intense downpours accompanied by thunder and lightning.

Moreover, certain plain areas in Lumbini and Sudurapschim provinces may also encounter strong storms. As of now, several places in Koshi, Madhes, and Lumbini provinces are already experiencing light to moderate rainfall, attributed to the significant fluctuations in weather conditions across the country.

Later tonight, there is a likelihood of light to moderate rain occurring in select areas due to the prevailing partial to general changes across the country. To emphasize, the Division has emphasized the possibility of heavy rain, thunderstorms, and lightning in specific locations within Lumbini and Sudurpaschim provinces.

It is essential for residents in these areas to stay vigilant and take necessary precautions to ensure their safety during these weather conditions.

